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Re: [Monotone-devel] Re: non utf-8 filenames

From: Markus Schiltknecht
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] Re: non utf-8 filenames
Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2006 23:25:12 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060915)

Graydon Hoare wrote:
There's an important difference to examine here:

  - There are file names that, while not presently encoded as UTF-8,
    can be faithfully transformed to and from Unicode (and thus UTF-8).
    These are very common -- several euc, koi, 8859-x, gb and jis
    standards fall in this category -- but they are all supposed to
    map bijectively to Unicode codepoints. We support these.

  - There are file names that cannot be faithfully transformed to and
    from Unicode. These are very rare -- possibly some 2202-x standards
    -- and we've decided not to support these.

Well, I guess there's a third case: a lazy user (like I am one) has not mounted the file system with the correct encoding, so that even ls shows a question mark for some files.

As these files had german names, I guess there were some Umlauts, encoded in Latin-1. But I mounted the file system with UTF-8 encoding and boom!

I know that this is absolutely not monotone's fault. So monotone itself should not blame itself, but act a little more self-confident by saying: either you are using an unsupported encoding which is very rare or you have not properly mounted you file system.

Please note: I'm not sure where all these encoding options are sitting nor why exactly I'm getting that error. And I don't even really care (I'm a lazy user, remember?). I just renamed the files to 7bit ASCII chars only... ;-)

The monotone error message didn't help me much, that's probably why I'm complaining at all. As soon as I'm done with my cvsimport-branch-reconstruction stuff, I might look into that, for a try.

If it's not doing so, there's a bug.

I'm all for that very self-critical point of view. But I've seen the 'this most probably is a bug in monotone' message ways too often in cases where monotone wasn't to blame at all. I know it's hard to always provide good error messages... but one should always try :-)



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