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[Monotone-devel] Re: monotone CVS import failed.

From: Markus Schiltknecht
Subject: [Monotone-devel] Re: monotone CVS import failed.
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2006 16:15:54 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060927)


Jon Smirl wrote:
I have been trying with cvs2svn for three months now and progress
isn't happening. You at least seem interested in making things work
right for Mozilla.

I don't think so. The graph algorithm is just very new and we still have to experiment with it. I don't know about the details why cvs2svn (graph based) fails with importing Mozilla, though.

But for sure the cvs2svn people are more experienced with CVS repositories and I'm very much basing my work on their experience. To be honest, I'm unsure if monotone will give you better results than cvs2svn anytime soon (or ever at all). Although, monotone is obviously closer to git than svn.

Jon Smirl wrote:
> You can get the Mozilla CVS repository here:
> rsync -az ~/mozilla/cvs-mirror
> The import was about 85% through the revs, 1.1M total.

Why do you think it's 85%? Are you expecting more than 894,279 versions?
How did you count them? I'm sure there's a difference in counting or a
bug in my code ;-)

cvs2svn reports somewhere between 1.0 and 1.1M revisions.

Can anybody here quickly explain how cvs2svn counts? Does it count tags, branch identifiers?

I'll check how monotone cvs_import counts. I didn't write that portion of the code myself. But certainly these numbers should match (or we should know why they don't.)

Let me know as soon as your code is ready. I know where most of the
tricky cases are located in the Mozilla repo. We can work together to
get me a good import and you some debugged code.

Sure, but as I told you, the cvs2svn people are probably more knowledgeable than me WRT strangeness in CVS.

Did you watch memory consumption?

Around 1.2GB when it died.

That's good to know. IMHO it's the main difference between my monotone cvs_import rewrite and cvs2svn's graph based approach: the 'in-memory' vs. 'on-disk' issue.

It convinces me that spilling to disk is not necessary, because it looks like the whole mozilla repository with all its blobs and its dependencies fits into 1.2 GB of memory (this is of course excluding the files and its deltas itself).



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