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[Monotone-devel] Re: nvm.ssh-agent review

From: Justin Patrin
Subject: [Monotone-devel] Re: nvm.ssh-agent review
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2007 21:29:47 -0800

On 2/13/07, Zack Weinberg <address@hidden> wrote:
On 2/13/07, Justin Patrin <address@hidden> wrote:
> On 2/11/07, Zack Weinberg <address@hidden> wrote:
> > My biggest concern has to do with the way you are serializing and
> > deserializing packets -- I think you're working way, way too hard.
> > You have a stream interface, and the packet format seems geared to
> > serial reading -- why do you read the entire packet in one go and then
> > chop it up with string manipulations?  On the write side, you do need
> > to construct the packet in memory so you can set its length fields,
> > but I think stringstreams would be a big help.
> Well, the problem is that the packet construction is recursive. You
> need the length of the entire key, for example, before inserting it
> into the packet data, then the length of all of that data before
> inserting it into the packet itself. It's possible that stringstreams
> could be better but what is there works now. I'd suggest if we want to
> rewrite this we do it after this branch lands.

Fair enough.  I am tempted to try it, if only to convince myself that
you're right, but I certainly don't have time to do it now, and it
shouldn't hold things up.

> > Consider use of widen<> in e.g. get_long.
> Hmmm, widen<> seems to convert a single char to a wider format. How
> would I use it to widen 4 chars to a long?

It's just our preferred way to write (u32)((unsigned char)x).
widen<TO,FROM>(FROM x) is static_cast<TO>(x) with two additional
properties: first, if x is not default-convertible to type FROM, you
get an error, and second, if FROM is signed and TO isn't, it
zero-extends instead of sign-extends.  This is exactly what you want
instead of the cast chains in get_long --

ssh_agent::get_long(char const * buf)
  L(FL("ssh_agent: get_long: %u %u %u %u")
    % widen<u32,char>(buf[0])
    % widen<u32,char>(buf[1])
    % widen<u32,char>(buf[2])
    % widen<u32,char>(buf[3]));
  return ((widen<u32,char>(buf[0]) << 24)
          | (widen<u32,char>(buf[1]) << 16)
          | (widen<u32,char>(buf[2]) << 8)
          | widen<u32,char>(buf[3]));

Ah, I see. Thanks.

For those interested, this exact code confuses the (pre?) compiler as
it somehow ends up passing 5 args to L(). I fixed it by adding
parenthesis around the FL() and its args.

For the record, is there a narrow<> somewhere I'm missing?

Looking at your code again as I am in order to write that down, here's
something else: You probably want to comment out most of the low-level
L()s, they're only going to be of use to people debugging the packet
decoding code, not to users trying to figure out why their keys aren't

Makes sense, I'll do this and push it up in a little bit.

Justin Patrin

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