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Re: [Monotone-devel] default branch for "monotone sync"

From: Evan Martin
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] default branch for "monotone sync"
Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2007 12:22:10 -0800

On 2/24/07, Nathaniel Smith <address@hidden> wrote:
Best practice is probably to split your two projects out into two
databases.  (You can do this by creating two new, empty databases, and
then use a file:// URL with mtn sync to push some subset of branches
into each of the new databases; then just modify _MTN/options in your
checkouts to point to the new databases.)

% ls -l puz.db
-rw-r--r-- 1 martine martine 8552448 2007-02-24 14:02 puz.db

% mtn -d hsmtn.db sync file://puz.db org.neugierig.hsmtn
mtn: connecting to file://puz.db
mtn: network error: name resolution failure for puz.db: Unknown host

% mtn -d hsmtn.db sync file:///puz.db org.neugierig.hsmtn
mtn: misuse: The URI syntax is invalid. Maybe you used an URI in scp-style?

% mtn -d hsmtn.db sync file://./puz.db org.neugierig.hsmtn
mtn: connecting to file://./puz.db
mtn: misuse: database /puz.db does not exist
mtn: error: I/O failure while talking to peer file://./puz.db, disconnecting

% mtn -d hsmtn.db sync file://home/martine/projects/puz.db org.neugierig.hsmtn
mtn: connecting to file://home/martine/projects/puz.db
mtn: misuse: database /martine/projects/puz.db does not exist
mtn: error: I/O failure while talking to peer
file://home/martine/projects/puz.db, disconnecting

% mtn -d hsmtn.db sync
mtn: connecting to file://thisisprobablyabug/home/martine/projects/puz.db
mtn: finding items to synchronize:
mtn: certificates | keys | revisions
(etc, etc)

Is this a bug or am I misunderstanding something?  (At least in web
browsers, file URIs start with file:// and then have a path, so it's
common to have three slashes at the beginning.)

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