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[Monotone-devel] Re: forbid: a (nicer?) alternative to obliterate

From: Lapo Luchini
Subject: [Monotone-devel] Re: forbid: a (nicer?) alternative to obliterate
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 08:05:04 +0100
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Nathaniel Smith wrote:
> What about when we are the ones sending the revision, which contains
> the forbidden file, so that our peer is expecting us to send the
> contents of this file but we do not have it to send?

You're right, this can't be STRICTLY local, at least in that case we
must support a "purposefully missing content" message or something.

> Would this feature actually make the people requesting obliterate
> support happy?  For instance, any form of obliterate that is not
> automatically transmitted might be useless to them.

Frankly, I don't know for sure (but I intend to ask, at least some of
them). The problem with "real obliterate" is that it asks for a specific
content to "unexist": i.e. ideally every single copy in every DVD backup
of every single user should automagically change and not contain it (and
in their "wet-wired" memories of it too, possibly).
This is, of course, impossible so maybe (and only maybe) a lawyer (at
least in the case of encumbered content) could be satisfied with a "best
effort" approach that only makes sure the central repository doesn't
have that.

Or maybe not. Maybe they would mandate to recursively delete.
This reminds me the old adage (at least in Italy :P) about long life
elixir: "you mix this with a bit of that and that (stereotypical witch
concoction follows)... but more important of all: DO NOT THINK OF PINK
ELEPHANTS DURING THE PROCESS" (which, of course, you really can't after
you read it once).

> obliterate that leaves behind a cryptographically strong assertion
> that the content _used_ to be there (in the form of continued mentions
> of the file hash in the revision/manifest texts)

Yes, I guess some could argue that the very existance of an hash of that
content means it was there in the first place, but is the problem that
"you can't use that, just avoid using it" (and of course MANY developers
will "notice" and "remember" and probably even have backups, so if the
SCM remembers too doesn't make much of a change, IMHO) or that "it
should unexist"? I wonder.

> Or content might be forbidden because it was proprietary, but
> now the company has decided to release it as FOSS after all

Well I guess in that case it could simply be removed from the "forbidden
list" and it would eventually trickle back in, doesn't it?

> All of these are cases where this doesn't quite work, but I don't know
> if it matters...

Most of those could be solvable using a fully fledged "branch-specific
revision-forbidding policy", but as Paul said, it is overkill to even
think about it, right now.

A provocation: what if a sector of the HDD that contains a specific
version of a file corrupts before content is sync'ed?
Would this be a possible reason that a "expected missing content" (in
this case "missing" would be much better than "forbidden") could be allowed?

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