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Re: [PATCH 4/4] docs: remove all mentions of --markmatch and 'set markma

From: Benno Schulenberg
Subject: Re: [PATCH 4/4] docs: remove all mentions of --markmatch and 'set markmatch'
Date: Wed, 3 Feb 2021 11:28:26 +0100
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Op 02-02-2021 om 15:30 schreef pepa65:
> I still think that the option to select the search result is a powerful
> feature, and don't understand why you would want to take it away.

Because, if highlighting the search match had existed before version 5.5,
I would never have made 'markmatch', as the gains are too theoretical.

For most people, --markmatch will be more of a hindrance than a help.  While
preparing this patch set, I searched the files for "markmat" and "mark_mat"
(while 'set markmatch' was still in my nanorc), and four times I had to type
^K twice because I wanted to delete the whole line, not just the match, and
only once (in syntax/nanorc.nanorc) did I actually want to delete just the
match.  Net effect: three more keystrokes than without --markmatch.

Options like --minibar and --indicator are generally useful, they are good
additions, and they don't change the editing behavior, people can put them
in their nanorc.  But --markmatch...


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