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[Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #59277] xls2oct and/or openxls behave unexpect

From: Dennis
Subject: [Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #59277] xls2oct and/or openxls behave unexpected
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2020 04:01:19 -0400 (EDT)
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.121 Safari/537.36

Follow-up Comment #3, bug #59277 (project octave):

Here are the answers to your questions:

> I suspect this is partly or wholly a duplicate of bug #59273.

May not be the case, as I noticed the same behavior with v2.6.1 too.

> 1. What is the output of
> javaclasspath
> ?

>> javaclasspath

      - empty -


      C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\program
      C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\program\classes\unoil.jar
      C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\program\classes\jurt.jar
      C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\program\classes\juh.jar
      C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\program\classes\unoloader.jar
      C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\program\classes\ridl.jar

> 2. What is the output of 
> chk_spreadsheet_support ('', 3)
> ?

>> chk_spreadsheet_support ('', 3)

(OCT interface... OK, included in io package)

Checking Excel/ActiveX/COM... not working.
1. Checking Octave's Java support... OK.
2. Checking Java dependencies...
  Checking Java JRE presence.... OK, found one.
  Java seems to work OK.
  Java (version 1.8.0_261) seems OK.
  Maximum JVM memory:  1794 MiB; sufficient.
Checking javaclasspath for .jar class libraries needed for spreadsheet

Basic POI (.xls) <poi-3> <poi-ooxml>:
  apache-poi./poi-3/poi-4....jar missing
  apache-poi-ooxml./poi-ooxml-3/poi-ooxml-4....jar missing
  => Not all classes (.jar) required for POI in classpath

POI OOXML (.xlsx) <xbean/xmlbean> <poi-ooxml-schemas> <dom4j>:
  xbean/xmlbean....jar missing
  apache-poi-ooxml-schemas/poi-ooxml-schemas....jar missing
  dom4j....jar missing
  commons-collections4....jar missing
  commons-compress-1.18....jar missing
  => Some classes for POI OOXML support missing

JExcelAPI (.xls (incl. BIFF5 read)) <jxl>:
  jxl....jar missing
  => Not all required classes (.jar) for JXL in classpath

OpenXLS (.xls - BIFF8 & .xlsx - OOXML) <OpenXLS>:
  OpenXLS....jar missing
  gwt-servlet-deps....jar missing

ODF Toolkit (.ods) <odfdom> <xercesImpl>:
  odfdom....jar missing
  xerces....jar missing
  xml-apis/xml-commons-apis....jar missing
  => Not all required classes (.jar) in classpath for OTK

jOpenDocument (.ods + experimental .sxc readonly) <jOpendocument>:
  jOpenDocument....jar missing
  => Not all required classes (.jar) for JOD in classpath

UNO/Java (.ods, .xls, .xlsx, .sxc) <OpenOffice.org>:
  - program OK
  - unoil.jar OK
  - jurt.jar OK
  - juh.jar OK
  - unoloader.jar OK
  - ridl.jar OK
  => UNO (OOo) OK
Some class libs lacking yet...

ans =  128

> 3. Exactly what commands do you use to read your spreadsheet?

I have attached a dummy example. This has exactly the same behavior: first
read it uses UNO (even though I explicitly call for the "OCT" interface),
second time it uses OCT and is much faster.

> Maybe it is from some of the Java interfaces or LibreOffice complaining
about invalid XML? (L.O. is called when the UNO interface is invoked)

Could be the case, but I don't want it to use UNO and explicitly call for

> If you don't want UNO to be invoked you can just do
> chk_spreadsheet_support ('', -1)
> to wipe all Java class libs loaded by io package's initialization script
from the Java class path.

This doesn't change anything. If I clear all, then use the above mention
function call, and then call my script, it still uses UNO.

(file #49989, file #49990)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: test.xlsx                      Size:44 KB

File name: BLAAAAA.m                      Size:0 KB


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