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Re: Handle graphics plotting functions

From: Sebastien Loisel
Subject: Re: Handle graphics plotting functions
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2006 22:01:23 +0100

I can't promise anything but I might look at working on my plotter this weekend. What I would like is to do the C++ and for someone to pick up the .m side of things, which looks like a match for what you're asking.

However, if I do it (and it's not certain yet) I would need this to be a collaboration. I'll implement a C++ function, you try it out and tell me what else it needs, rinse and repeat.

How's that sound?

Sébastien Loisel

On 2/13/06, Shai Ayal <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi All,

during the development of OctPlot I and others are writing a lot of
high-level plotting functions which are not specific to OctPlot and
could be used in any handle graphics based graphics system (I know of
OctPLot, Oplot and JWE's hyandles for gnuplot).

These functions are all m-files and depend on the availability of
primitive handle objects such as line, patch and text. For example we
have already implemented pretty good versions of
contour,bar,barh,plot,area,stem. I suggest that in order to avoid
duplication of efforts we set up some repository for these functions.
I am willing to put them in the octplot cvs, but maybe octave-forge or
even octave would be a better place.

Any suggestions or input would be welcome


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