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Re: Default Plot Characteristics, was Re: [OctDev] zplane.m marker size

From: Daniel J Sebald
Subject: Re: Default Plot Characteristics, was Re: [OctDev] zplane.m marker size
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 20:14:21 -0600
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Shai Ayal wrote:
On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 6:14 AM, Daniel J Sebald <address@hidden> wrote:

Simon Schwarz wrote:

In the version of zplane.m the marker size was set explicitly to 2 I
just changed this value to 12 and added a parameter for it.

I just tried to remove the markersize code - it works also. The markers
are tiny but bigger than before.

That's odd.  Perhaps a marker size of 2 is some legacy code not updated to
fit the new Octave graphics scheme.  I just tried
id = plot(1:10, 'ro')

and found a marker size of 6.  I can't find exactly where the default
properties are set searching through the Octave source.

the defaults for properties are set in src/graphics.h.in. search for
markersize inside this file and you'll find it.

Oh, OK thanks.  I was searching through *.h files.

Anyone on the maintainers list familiar with graphics, should scripts be
setting any absolute sizes anymore?  Or just relative (e.g., divide by 2,
multiply by 3)?

I'm not sure where the default came from,

Well, I would think that a markersize default of one makes sense, if it doesn't 
reflect an absolute measurement system...

and also I'm not sure that
marker size is consistent across backends. for the open-gl based
backends (currently fltk) markersize is in points (i.e. 1/72 inch),
assuming 72dpi for the screen.

That is likely where the 6 comes from, i.e., 6/72 in (1/12 in) seems a good 

There still remains some work to be done ...


Perhaps.  However, if a plot is the main result of the zplane() command, the
output of the plot command could be returned as the output of zplane().
Then one would have access to all the plot properties, not just marker
size.  One could use gcf() just as easily too.

id = gcf();
set(id, 'markersize', 1234)

This would not work -- markersize is a property of the line object,
not the figure object, so you would have to get the handle of the line
object into id

Good point.  It would be a little more involved than that.

Thanks Shai,


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