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Re: fltk printing [changest]

From: Michael D Godfrey
Subject: Re: fltk printing [changest]
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2010 22:09:08 -0700
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On 07/29/2010 05:02 PM, Ben Abbott wrote:
I've pushed a changeset.


I've assumed that support for each of the formats, GL2PS_PS / PDF / TEX / SVG / PGF, will be included in the backend. Presently, only GL2PS_EPS is available.

The output for PS/PDF should respect the figure's papersize, paperorientation, and paperposition properties. The output for the EPS/SVG/TEX/PGF is limited to the box associated with the paperposition property.

Since eps is output is available, the changeset enables several other formats as well. Those include all aifm, dxf, emf, fig, gif, hpgl, jpeg, mf, png, pbm, and pstex. These output formats are obtained by converting eps using ghostscript, pstoedit, and fig2dev.

While pdf output will produce a full page of output, a figure proper for inclusion via pdflatex may be produced by ....

	print -dpdfwrite figure1.pdf

The gnuplot printing may be impacted. I'll begin looking at cleaning up __gnuplot_print__ so that is works in a manner consistent with __fltk_print__.m, but if someone finds a problem, please report it.


Basically, this looks good to me.  Obviously, some more needs to be done, but should be a better
framework than before. 

One point: is using  print -dpdfwrite figure1.pdf a good idea for pdf?  I  looked at the new code
before noticing that this was the intended syntax for getting pdf, so I patched in code that
generates pdf using print -dpdf  figure1.  pdfwrite has to be set in the call to gs  to produce -sDEVICE=pdfwrite,
but it seems to me that this should be done internally based on the user saying just -dpdf or just figure1.pdf.

Anyhow, good start!!


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