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Re: Is it GUI? Or is it IDE?

From: Daniel J Sebald
Subject: Re: Is it GUI? Or is it IDE?
Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2012 11:22:59 -0500
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On 08/25/2012 10:34 AM, Carnë Draug wrote:
On 24 August 2012 20:57, Daniel J Sebald<address@hidden>  wrote:
1) Might there be a better option name that doesn't use the word "force".
When I think of software applications, "force" is something that sort of
comes with "caveat emptor" connotations, i.e., something that typically
shouldn't be done, but give it a try and maybe you'll be lucky.  "with-gui"
where "with" is sort of the opposite of "no", perhaps.  "--gui" would be
fine too.

If I understood correctly, the GUI will start if there's conditions
for it and seems logical to do so. The --force-gui would force the gui
to start, even when such condition is false so I think the word force
would be appropriate here. At leas that's what I understood from the
comments here

Oh, if that is the case, then "force" is the appropriate word.


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