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Re: Latex interpreter via Mathjax + Qt

From: Daniel J Sebald
Subject: Re: Latex interpreter via Mathjax + Qt
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2016 13:36:01 -0600
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On 01/12/2016 05:58 AM, George Apostolopoulos wrote:
Thank you all for your constructive comments.

My motivation for this is actually to use octave for creating figures
for publications in scientific journals. Up to now I have used matlab to
generate eps files using the latex interpreter for axis titles and graph

I have reviewed octave's latex+ps combination which is very interesting.
However, apart from the added processing steps, I am missing the
possibility to create a single, self-contained eps file for one figure.
This is required when sending a manuscript to publishers.

Generally, the approach to this in the past was to use latex to generate the EPS file indirectly. It worked rather well with gnuplot as the graphics engine, but the capability was lost in 4.0, I think.

The way it works(ed) well was to use gnuplot's PS+latex standalone mode, compile in LaTeX, then use dvips to create a nice mixture of PostScript with LaTeX fonts in an EPS file. Something like:

h = xlabel('$\sum_{x=0}^{N}$');
print('myplot.tex', '-depslatexstandalone');

Then at the command line, run latex:

latex myplot
dvips myplot -o myplot.eps -E
gv myplot.eps

The label should turn out being compiled in latex, with the desired summation, having the font similar to the rest of latex. If the $...$ isn't compiled in math mode, one might need to try different things with setting the interpreter of h. The end result looked nice.

What the state of things is now or going forward, don't know.


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