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Re: Re: Help strings in the text body of the manual

From: Pantxo Diribarne
Subject: Re: Re: Help strings in the text body of the manual
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2016 22:33:47 +0200
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Le 27/04/2016 12:18, Carnë Draug a écrit :
On 26 April 2016 at 16:38, John W. Eaton <address@hidden> wrote:
On 04/26/2016 09:27 AM, Pantxo Diribarne wrote:
How about adding a "Function Reference" subsection at the end of each
major section as proposed by Lachlan? In order to have a taste of the
result, I can provide a minimal patch for the plotting section.

That's certainly the easy way out.  As I said earlier, and in spite of what
actually happened, the original goal was to avoid having long lists of
docstrings.  So if that's what is there now, the real problem is that we are
missing the supporting text that describes the features and provides
motivation for the set of functions that are grouped together in a
particular section of the manual.

Yes, that is the problem.  Most of the changes to the manual are for
inserting the help text when a new function is added to Octave.  Not
even at that point is the manual text modified.  But writing the manual
text is a lot of work which I think most of us don't want to.

It would help if we figured out what is the purpose of the manual.  It
has been said before that it's supposed to be educational, kind of an
introduction to the language.  I don't think it does a good job at it.
It seems much better as a reference to the Octave language.  We should
focus on the manual being just that then.

It's no secret I'm a fan of perl, and I also like their O'Reilly books.
There is "Learning Perl" (which is really good and targeted to someone
who is learning to program) and Programming Perl (which is more about the
gory details of the language).  Our Octave manual should be the latter.
We don't have to write a "Learning Octave" book.

Instead of a function reference at the end of each subsection, just
have a function reference for all functions at the end of the manual.
The rest of the manual can link to that page easily.  The easiest way
to start this is to modify the DOCSTRING macro so that it becomes a
link to that function reference chapter.


Yes, rewriting the @DOCSTRING macro in munge-texi.pl is definitely the best solution. Unfortunately I got lost as soon as I dared looking for the first time at a a Perl script. I'll remember the references, if ever I want to learn a minimal bit of perl :-).

Just to see how it looks, I modified plot.txi (attached patch) using an octave function. Basically, in place of the original @DOCSTRING, I put a link followed by the first help sentence.
The actual doc string is pushed at the end of the chapter.


Attachment: plotting.patch
Description: Text Data

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