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[paparazzi-commits] [4064] remove old booz translator

From: Gautier Hattenberger
Subject: [paparazzi-commits] [4064] remove old booz translator
Date: Thu, 03 Sep 2009 11:24:24 +0000

Revision: 4064

Author:   gautier
Date:     2009-09-03 11:24:24 +0000 (Thu, 03 Sep 2009)
Log Message:
remove old booz translator

Removed Paths:

Deleted: paparazzi3/trunk/sw/ground_segment/tmtc/
--- paparazzi3/trunk/sw/ground_segment/tmtc/  2009-09-03 
11:23:41 UTC (rev 4063)
+++ paparazzi3/trunk/sw/ground_segment/tmtc/  2009-09-03 
11:24:24 UTC (rev 4064)
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-open Printf
-open Latlong
-module Tm_Pprz = Pprz.Messages (struct let name = "telemetry" end)
-let ac_id = ref "1"
-let nav_ref = ref (Latlong.utm_of Latlong.WGS84 (Latlong.make_geo_deg 43.46223 
1.27289)) (* Muret *)
-let gps_status = ref 0
-let vsupply = ref 0
-let kill = ref 1
-let stage_time = ref 0
-let block_time = ref 0
-(** PPRZ_MODE **)
-let get_status = fun _ values ->
-  let ivalue = fun x -> try Pprz.int_assoc x values with Not_found ->
-    failwith (sprintf "Error: field '%s' not found\n" x) in
-  let ap_mode = ivalue "ap_mode" in
-  let pprz_mode = ref 0 in
-  if ap_mode = 0 || ap_mode = 1 || ap_mode = 2 || ap_mode = 4 || ap_mode = 7 
then pprz_mode := 0
-  else if ap_mode = 3 || ap_mode = 5 || ap_mode = 6 || ap_mode = 8 then 
pprz_mode := 1
-  else if ap_mode = 9 || ap_mode = 10 || ap_mode = 11 || ap_mode = 12 then 
pprz_mode := 2;
-  let rc_status = ivalue "rc_status" in
-  let mcu1_status = ref 2 in
-  if rc_status = 0 then mcu1_status := 1
-  else if rc_status = 1 then mcu1_status := 2
-  else if rc_status = 2 then mcu1_status := 0;
-  gps_status := (ivalue "gps_status");
-  vsupply := (ivalue "vsupply");
-  kill := 1 - (ivalue "ap_motors_on");
-  let mode_values = [
-    "ap_mode",       Pprz.Int !pprz_mode;
-    "ap_gaz",        Pprz.Int 0;
-    "ap_lateral",    Pprz.Int 0;
-    "ap_horizontal", Pprz.Int 0;
-    "if_calib_mode", Pprz.Int 0;
-    "mcu1_status",   Pprz.Int !mcu1_status] in
-  Tm_Pprz.message_send !ac_id "PPRZ_MODE" mode_values
-let get_fp = fun _ values ->
-  let i32value = fun x -> try Pprz.int32_assoc x values with Not_found ->
-    failwith (sprintf "Error: field '%s' not found\n" x) in
-  let pow8 = 2. ** 8. in
-  let east   = Int32.to_float (i32value "east") /. pow8
-  and north  = Int32.to_float (i32value "north") /. pow8
-  and alt    = Int32.to_float (i32value "up") /. pow8
-  and veast  = Int32.to_float (i32value "veast") /. pow8 /. 100.
-  and vnorth = Int32.to_float (i32value "vnorth") /. pow8 /. 100.
-  (*and vup    = Int32.to_float (i32value "vup") /. pow8 /. 100*)
-  and phi    = i32value "phi"
-  and theta  = i32value "theta"
-  and psi    = i32value "psi"
-  and carrot_east  = Int32.to_float (i32value "carrot_east") /. pow8
-  and carrot_north = Int32.to_float (i32value "carrot_north") /. pow8 in
-  let utm = Latlong.utm_add !nav_ref (east, north) in
-  let carrot_utm = Latlong.utm_add !nav_ref (carrot_east, carrot_north) in
-  let gspeed = sqrt(vnorth*.vnorth +. veast*.veast) in
-  let power_12 = 1 lsl 12 in
-  let gps_values = [
-    "mode",       Pprz.Int !gps_status;
-    "utm_east",   Pprz.Int32 (Int32.of_float (utm.Latlong.utm_x *. 100.));
-    "utm_north",  Pprz.Int32 (Int32.of_float (utm.Latlong.utm_y *. 100.));
-    "course",     Pprz.Int (573 * (Int32.to_int psi) / power_12);
-    "alt",        Pprz.Int 0;
-    "speed",      Pprz.Int (int_of_float gspeed);
-    "climb",      Pprz.Int 0;
-    "itow",       Pprz.Int32 (Int32.of_int 0);
-    "utm_zone",   Pprz.Int utm.Latlong.utm_zone;
-    "gps_nb_err", Pprz.Int 0] in
-  Tm_Pprz.message_send !ac_id "GPS" gps_values;
-  let est_values = [
-    "z", Pprz.Float alt;
-    "z_dot", Pprz.Float 0.] in
-  Tm_Pprz.message_send !ac_id "ESTIMATOR" est_values;
-  let att_values = [
-    "phi",   Pprz.Int (truncate (57.3 *. Int32.to_float(phi)   /. 
-    "psi",   Pprz.Int (truncate (57.3 *. Int32.to_float(psi)   /. 
-    "theta", Pprz.Int (truncate (57.3 *. Int32.to_float(theta) /. 
float_of_int(power_12)))] in
-  Tm_Pprz.message_send !ac_id "ATTITUDE" att_values;
-  (*
-  let dx = (carrot_utm.Latlong.utm_x -. !nav_ref.Latlong.utm_x) in
-  let dy = (carrot_utm.Latlong.utm_y -. !nav_ref.Latlong.utm_y) in *)
-  let (dx, dy) = Latlong.utm_sub carrot_utm !nav_ref in
-  let carrot_alt = -. Int32.to_float (i32value "carrot_up") /. pow8 in
-  let desired_val = [
-    "roll",     Pprz.Float 0.;
-    "pitch",    Pprz.Float 0.;
-    "course",   Pprz.Float 0.;
-    "x",        Pprz.Float dx;
-    "y",        Pprz.Float dy;
-    "altitude", Pprz.Float carrot_alt;
-    "climb",    Pprz.Float 0.] in
-  Tm_Pprz.message_send !ac_id "DESIRED" desired_val;
-  let throttle = (Int32.to_int (i32value "thrust")) * 9600 / 200 in
-  let bat_values = [
-    "throttle",           Pprz.Int throttle;
-    "voltage",            Pprz.Int !vsupply;
-    "flight_time",        Pprz.Int 0;
-    "kill_auto_throttle", Pprz.Int !kill;
-    "block_time",         Pprz.Int !block_time;
-    "stage_time",         Pprz.Int !stage_time;
-    "energy",             Pprz.Int 0] in
-  Tm_Pprz.message_send !ac_id "BAT" bat_values
-(** NAV_REF **)
-let get_nav_ref = fun _ values ->
-  let i32value = fun x -> try Pprz.int32_assoc x values with Not_found ->
-    failwith (sprintf "Error: field '%s' not found\n" x) in
-  let lat = (Rad>>Deg) (Int32.to_float (i32value "lat") /. 1e7)
-  and lon = (Rad>>Deg) (Int32.to_float (i32value "lon") /. 1e7) in
-  nav_ref := Latlong.utm_of Latlong.WGS84 (Latlong.make_geo_deg lat lon);
-  let nav_ref_val = [
-    "utm_east",  Pprz.Int32 (Int32.of_float !nav_ref.Latlong.utm_x);
-    "utm_north", Pprz.Int32 (Int32.of_float !nav_ref.Latlong.utm_y);
-    "utm_zone",  Pprz.Int   !nav_ref.Latlong.utm_zone] in
-  Tm_Pprz.message_send !ac_id "NAVIGATION_REF" nav_ref_val
-(** NAV_STATUS **)
-let get_nav_status = fun _ values ->
-  let ivalue = fun x -> try Pprz.int_assoc x values with Not_found ->
-    failwith (sprintf "Error: field '%s' not found\n" x) in
-  block_time := ivalue "block_time";
-  stage_time := ivalue "stage_time";
-  let nav_status_val = [
-    "cur_block", Pprz.Int (ivalue "cur_block");
-    "cur_stage", Pprz.Int (ivalue "cur_stage");
-    "pos_x", Pprz.Int 0;
-    "pos_y", Pprz.Int 0;
-    "dist2_wp", Pprz.Float 0.;
-    "dist2_home", Pprz.Float 0.] in
-  Tm_Pprz.message_send !ac_id "NAVIGATION" nav_status_val
-(** WP_MOVED **)
-let get_wp_moved_lla = fun _ values ->
-  let i32value = fun x -> try Pprz.int32_assoc x values with Not_found ->
-    failwith (sprintf "Error: field '%s' not found\n" x) in
-  let wp_id = Pprz.int_assoc "wp_id" values in
-  let lat = Int32.to_float (i32value "lat") /. 1e7
-  and lon = Int32.to_float (i32value "lon") /. 1e7
-  and alt = Int32.to_float (i32value "alt") *. 100. in
-  let wp = Latlong.utm_of Latlong.WGS84 (Latlong.make_geo_deg lat lon) in
-  let wp_moved_val = [
-    "wp_id",     Pprz.Int wp_id;
-    "utm_east",  Pprz.Float wp.Latlong.utm_x;
-    "utm_north", Pprz.Float wp.Latlong.utm_y;
-    "alt",       Pprz.Float alt;
-    "utm_zone",  Pprz.Int   wp.Latlong.utm_zone] in
-  Tm_Pprz.message_send !ac_id "WP_MOVED" wp_moved_val
-let get_wp_moved_ltp = fun _ values ->
-  let i32value = fun x -> try Pprz.int32_assoc x values with Not_found ->
-    failwith (sprintf "Error: field '%s' not found\n" x) in
-  let pow8 = 2. ** 8. in
-  let wp_id = Pprz.int_assoc "wp_id" values in
-  let x = Int32.to_float (i32value "x") /. pow8
-  and y = Int32.to_float (i32value "y") /. pow8
-  and alt = Int32.to_float (i32value "z") /. pow8 in
-  let wp = Latlong.utm_add !nav_ref (x, y) in
-  let wp_moved_val = [
-    "wp_id",     Pprz.Int wp_id;
-    "utm_east",  Pprz.Float wp.Latlong.utm_x;
-    "utm_north", Pprz.Float wp.Latlong.utm_y;
-    "alt",       Pprz.Float alt;
-    "utm_zone",  Pprz.Int   wp.Latlong.utm_zone] in
-  Tm_Pprz.message_send !ac_id "WP_MOVED" wp_moved_val
-(*********************** Main ************************************************)
-let _ =
-  let ivy_bus = ref "" in
-  Arg.parse
-    [ "-b", Arg.String (fun x -> ivy_bus := x), "Bus\tDefault is";
-      "-a", Arg.String (fun x -> ac_id := x), "AC id\tDefault is 1"]
-    (fun x -> prerr_endline ("WARNING: don't do anything with "^x))
-    "Usage: ";
-  (** Connect to the Ivy bus *)
-  Ivy.init "Paparazzi BOOZ translator" "READY" (fun _ _ -> ());
-  Ivy.start !ivy_bus;
-  ignore (Tm_Pprz.message_bind "BOOZ_STATUS" get_status);
-  ignore (Tm_Pprz.message_bind "BOOZ2_FP" get_fp);
-  ignore (Tm_Pprz.message_bind "BOOZ2_NAV_REF" get_nav_ref);
-  ignore (Tm_Pprz.message_bind "BOOZ2_NAV_STATUS" get_nav_status);
-  ignore (Tm_Pprz.message_bind "WP_MOVED_LLA" get_wp_moved_lla);
-  ignore (Tm_Pprz.message_bind "WP_MOVED_LTP" get_wp_moved_ltp);
-  let loop = Glib.Main.create true in
-  while Glib.Main.is_running loop do ignore (Glib.Main.iteration true) done

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