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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Re: ERRORS

From: Pascal Brisset
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Re: ERRORS
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 23:32:44 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090318)


the units in the ATTITUDE message have changed. So, after the svn update, you need
- a global "make" (in paparazzi3/)
- a "Build" for your aircraft and the corresponding "Upload"

Sorry for the inconvenience


Paul Cox wrote:

I saw identical behavior this weekend. When I powered on I noticed the PFD horizon was vertical. Looking at the messages, I saw IR1 at 500. A power cycle didn't appear to help at first so I did a clean/build/upload and power cycle and the issue so far has not reappeared. FYI: I have yet to switch to SVN repo.



    Message: 1
    Date: Sun, 19 Apr 2009 07:50:33 -0700
    From: michael evans <address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>>
    Subject: [Paparazzi-devel] ERRORS
    To: address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"

    i have been getting very strange numbers from my IR sensors. i
    plug in the
    flight pack into my funjet and ir1 is -500 or something. i try
    wires and unpluging IR and its still crazy. i unplug the flight
    then plug it back in and then its at around plus or minus 10 like
    it should
    be.i tripple check everything and it all looks good. when i went
    to fly my
    funjet on thursday the first time i went in to auto1 it spiraled
    to the left
    so i recover in manual. check the messages and its the - 500
    again. i unplug
    and plug it in and give it another go. auto1 works great. a couple
    into the flight i do a pass it crashes into the ground.


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