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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Skywalker airframe-file ala september 2012

From: Christophe De Wagter
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Skywalker airframe-file ala september 2012
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2013 11:53:24 +0100

We land the SkyWalker using the ailerons as flapperons, so almost all the way up. 

1) we changed the mechanical servo setup to be able to do 30 deg down and 80 degrees up.
2) during normal flight we have differential: more up than down
3) during landing we have a rate-limited aileron-up "brake"
4) when the brake is on "ailerons up" the SkyWalker turn less hard, and therefore we have a highly increased roll-deflection


On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 11:02 AM, Jorn Anke <address@hidden> wrote:
I have performed several flights using a slightly different verson of the sample flie you was referncing, with my zamboni flight-pattern. This has worked very well. The attached image shows a screendump from two actual successive zamboni flights.
I was then using a simple set of <command laws> similar to quoted under. I don't understand much of the newer set of command laws, and I wonder if you can clearify how they might affect flight performance.
Old settings:
    <set servo="AILEVON_LEFT" value="@ROLL"/>
    <set servo="AILEVON_RIGHT" value="address@hidden"/>
    <set servo="THROTTLE" value="@THROTTLE"/>
    <set servo="ELEVATOR" value="@PITCH"/>
"New" settings:
    <!-- Brake Rate Limiter -->
    <let var="brake_value_nofilt" value="Chop(address@hidden, 0, MAX_PPRZ)"/>

= read the command from the radio in manual/auto1 or flightplan in auto2
    <ratelimit var="brake_value" value="$brake_value_nofilt" rate_min="-MAX_BRAKE_RATE" rate_max="MAX_BRAKE_RATE" />

= make it smooth: (1.5 second time to go from normal to brake or back = less aggressive = less deviation from flightplan) 
    <!-- Differential Aileron Depending on Brake Value -->
    <let var="aileron_up_rate" value="(AILERON_RATE_UP   * (MAX_PPRZ - $brake_value)) + (AILERON_RATE_UP_BRAKE   * $brake_value)"/>

normal mode: $brake_value = 0  

use AILERON_RATE_UP/DOWN when normal 
    <let var="aileron_down_rate" value="(AILERON_RATE_DOWN * (MAX_PPRZ - $brake_value)) + (AILERON_RATE_DOWN_BRAKE * $brake_value)"/>
    <let var="aileron_up" value="((address@hidden)  *  (((float)$aileron_up_rate) / ((float)MAX_PPRZ)))"/>
    <let var="aileron_down" value="((address@hidden)  * (((float)$aileron_down_rate) / ((float)MAX_PPRZ)))"/>
    <let var="leftturn" value="(@ROLL >= 0? 0 : 1)"/>
    <let var="rightturn" value="(1 - $leftturn)"/>

check if aileron needs to go up or down
    <set servo="AILERON_LEFT" value="($aileron_up * $leftturn) + ($aileron_down * $rightturn) - $brake_value*(BRAKE_AILEVON) - (MAX_PPRZ * AILERON_NEUTRAL)"/>
    <set servo="AILERON_RIGHT" value="($aileron_up * $rightturn) + ($aileron_down * $leftturn) + $brake_value*(BRAKE_AILEVON) + (MAX_PPRZ *AILERON_NEUTRAL)"/>

use either the UP-rate or the DOWN-rate of either the BRAKE mode or the NORMAL mode
    <set servo="RUDDER" value="-(@YAW + @ROLL * RUDDER_OF_AILERON)"/>
    <set servo="THROTTLE" value="@THROTTLE"/>

    <!-- Pitch with Brake-Trim Function -->
    <set servo="ELEVATOR" value="@PITCH * PITCH_GAIN - BRAKE_PITCH * $brake_value"/>

compensate the elevator for BRAKE deflection (with same rate limit)


Our Skywalker airframe (yapa2 + xsens) is our UAV with most flight-hours but the airframe.xml file did not change (functionally) for at the very least over a year. But there seem to be several versions arround in several branches/folders. So I do not know which version you refer to as of Sep2012.  

This is the one actually flying: which might still have unused defines, outdated stuff etc. 

PS: there is absolutely no guarantee that it will work like this for other SkyWalkers. It depends on your total weight, choice of engine, actual servo setup and deflections, wing-stiffness-reenforcements, ...


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