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[Phpgroupware-developers] Re: SV: sitemgr - setup

From: totschnig . michael
Subject: [Phpgroupware-developers] Re: SV: sitemgr - setup
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 17:03:32 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.090008 (Oort Gnus v0.08) XEmacs/21.4 (Common Lisp, i386-redhat-linux)

"Chris Weiss" <address@hidden> a écrit:

>>I do not fully understand what your reply implies, Chris. Does it
>>mean, that the problem Sigurd has when using sitemgr with MSSQL should
>>be resolved in and that there should be no
>>restrictions on any reserved words for phpgw applications?
> i don't think this is something that the API can handle, and I don't know how 
> to
> completely prevent the use of reserved word from other db's.  I don't think 
> there
> is a way at all.

But since, phpgroupware aims at running on different RDBMS, each
application should try to prevent problems for users of all databases
that have drivers in the API, wherever possible. Hence, I will replace
'view' with 'viewable', if there are no objections.

>>> 2) The datatype "auto" for  'module_id' in table
>>> 'phpgw_sitemgr_active_modules' makes it difficult (mssql) to insert
>>> default values during install. - why not define the type as int and have
>>> a next_id function
>>You are right. This is a bug. In this context, auto does not make
>>sense, since in table phpgw_sitemgr_active_modules module_id actually
>>is a foreign key. Apparently this is no problem for MySQL. I will
>>correct this immediately. Thanks.
> This can be handled by the API.
> First, auto makes perfect sence because the API translates it to each DB's
> int+increment syntax.  All of the datatypes in schemaproc are translated to 
> the
> best fit for each database it supports.

I know this, but auto is wrong in this particular context. Since
INSERTs to the table phpgw_sitemgr_active_modules do not rely on
autoincrementing of the field, but always provide a value for it (it
is a foreign key to another table).



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