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Re: none

From: David Philippi
Subject: Re: none
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 18:23:40 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.4.1

On Friday 07 June 2002 17:54, Ingo Ruhnke wrote:
> It never was in boost, it was a self written thing from me, I just
> placed it there, since that was the place where all the other pointers
> where. The purbos of this class was to add a additional == 0 check on
> dereference.

Why? There is one - it's called signal 11. ;-)
Dereferencing a 0 pointer will yield a segfault with a core dump. If you then 
just use "gdb pingus core", a simple "up" will show you where the segfault 
occured and in case of a 0 pointer it will be very easy to recognise what's 
the reason. 

> I prefer the 'Sprite*' style, 'cause the above looks like a
> multiplication to me.

I can live with that, it's just that I tend to oversee the * if it's placed 
direct behind the type and I've never though of multiplication when seeing 
such a declaration. Normally they are at a place where a multiplications 
isn't even allowed and there will usually be nothing to assign a result to 
on the left. ;-)

BTW is there hope of reducing the numbers of shared_ptr<T> ? I'd guess that 
those are one of the main reasons for the long compilation times since 
templates are awfully slow to compile and boost uses quite every feature of 

Bye David

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