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Re: Fixed width numbers and infinite time.

From: Ingo Ruhnke
Subject: Re: Fixed width numbers and infinite time.
Date: 24 Oct 2002 19:03:50 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

Gervase Lam <address@hidden> writes:

> OK. Attached is the CVS diff and PNG file for the infinity symbol,
> which goes into Games/Pingus/data/images/core/misc.
> How was the font done? Was it originally just a green font with
> black outlines. What tool was used to "anti-alias" the font together
> with the variable alpha values?

The font was a simple TTF font in the beginning, then rendered in
Gimp, outline applied and then scaled down to get the antialising.

> I also thought of something similar to replace the word "Released."  Have 
> a Faller fall a short distance.  It would then turn into a Walker and walk 
> out of the "Released" icon.  The problem I see with this is that the 
> Faller would fall for such a short distance that it would either be too 
> fast (i.e. the Faller has fallen from a long way above the icon) or look 
> slow (i.e. the Faller only started its fall just above the icon) and 
> therefore silly.

I probally wouldn't make the interface animated, but simply have
static images which show how a Pingu comes out of the entrance or
reaches the exit. The icons should also be a bit small and have
different color (all green?) than the action buttons, so the player
don't get confused about there purporse.

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