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Re: Windows Editor Errors

From: Ingo Ruhnke
Subject: Re: Windows Editor Errors
Date: 24 Oct 2002 21:37:47 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

Neil Hotmail <address@hidden> writes:

> Crash 1:
> Initially all worked fine, saved fine, inserted things etc.
> Then
> Input noted and ignored
> X,Y coordinate still displays correctly
> The toolbar on the left still gives tooltips, and the buttons raise and
> depress as normal
> Objects on the playarea give no activity
> after pressing toolbars nothing happens
Have you played around with GUI-windows and pressed there 'X' button
before this happened? The 'X' button is broken in quite a few ways and
there is a patch for ClanLib in CVS (clangui_patch) to remove it from
the windows. 

It might also be something else with the GUI, since Pingus needs to
keep track if the GUI-windows should get the input or the editing
area/toolbar, normally a white boarder is around the screen if the
editing area has focus, if not the GUI has focus. It is possible that
something in the focus detection goes wrong at some point.

> Error 2:
> Attached screen shot
> Happens if you haven't got a background defined - would it not make more
> sense to have a "default black" background?
> This error also happens when you have Starfield as a background
Backgrounds are not necesarrly opaque, they can be transparent and all
sorts of other things. The starfield for example is only useable as a
layer above other backgrounds. Backgrounds aren't any special, they
are worldobjs like anything else.

One could now go on and flag all objects as opaque or not and spit out
a warning if there isn't any opaque object in the level, but I don't
consider that much usefull, since people will figure this one out
quite quickly and it also forces them to actually place a correct
background instead of simply using the default one.

Anyway, you will see the same error in every Doom or Quake editor if
you forget a texture on the door or forget to apply the sky texture. I
don't consider this worth to fix and a fix might bring more throuble
then good in the end.
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