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Re: Pingus in Danish

From: Erik Søe Sørensen
Subject: Re: Pingus in Danish
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 2004 13:27:01 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.5) Gecko/20031007

David Philippi wrote:
Am Mi, den 31.03.2004 schrieb Erik Søe Sørensen um 15:24:

Oh, I used the de.po as starting point... and some things seemed odd.
Such as: Both 'entrance' and 'exit' is translated to 'Ausgang' ...?

Well, I must have been tired when doing this. ;-) Do you remember any
other odd translations?

Remember - no.
But I naturally marked (most of?) those that I found (I hope the nitpicking-level is OK):

msgstr "a - Markierte Objecte löschen"
-  löschen means 'delete', right? Should be 'select'.

msgstr "Wähle einen Ausgang"
msgstr "Wenn ich ein Pingu wäre, hätte ich den Ausgang nie verlassen."
- these I've already mentioned.

msgstr "o - WeltObjekt"
msgstr "Wähle ein WorldObj"
- inconsistent naming.

msgstr "Level starten und testen(F4)"
- (better with a space before ))

- inconsistent casing:
msgstr "Level Laden (F5)" # all Capitalized
msgstr "Leveleigenschaften ändern" #only first word capt'd
msgstr "in eine Region Zoomen" #only keywords capt'd ?

msgstr "| Warnung: Pingus erhielt einen SIGIN, beende jetzt."
- that's SIGINT.

And in the English version:

msgid "Delete marked objects (delete)"
msgid "Insert an object (Insert)"
- inconsistence: should the key names be Capitalized or in lowercase?

(oh, and it bothered me a bit that one has to repeat translations for "Foo {enabled,disabled}" and that the program doesn't right-align those messages automatically.)


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