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Re: New quirk on Apple Panther with make distcheck

From: John Darrington
Subject: Re: New quirk on Apple Panther with make distcheck
Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2004 15:15:00 +0800
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i

On Wed, Dec 29, 2004 at 11:59:12PM -0500, Marshall DeBerry wrote:
     After a compile of about 1 and half hours, I've gotten a workable TeX
     package, and did the make distclean again.  This time, I got two fails out
     of the 63 tests:
     Fail 1:
     <      .  /2.00E+00/0000000003/4010000000000000/
     >      .  /2.00E+00/0000000003/0000000000001040/
     <      .  /6.00E+00/0000000007/4020000000000000/
     >      .  /6.00E+00/0000000007/0000000000002040/
     <      .  /1.00E+01/0000000011/4028000000000000/
     >      .  /1.00E+01/0000000011/0000000000002840/
     compare print out
     FAIL: command/

I'd say this is clearly an endian issue.  However even after reading
the documentation I'm not sure what the purpose of the PRINT command
is. So I can't say whether this is a bug in PSPP or a bug in the test.

Ben what do you think?

     BTW, I hope this is helpful.  I'm trying to approach this as from a casual
     Mac user who has a basic system and would be interested in using an SPSS
     type package for statistics. They pretty much know about getting a package,
     installing it, and using it.  The TeX component is the first thing that's
     given me pause, in that's it's a very big package.  Some people may balk at
     having to install this just to be able to get output.  Just my
     two cents...

The "casual Mac user" wouldn't normally be expected to do 
"make distcheck".   If he didn't have a precompiled binary of PSPP,
then he'd have to do ./configure ; make ; make install and he'd be
well advised to do "make check".    

The distcheck target is primarily intended for the PSPP maintainer.
Nobody needs to have TeX installed in order to use or compile PSPP.


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