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Scripts to build and package pspp on linux.

From: John McCabe-Dansted
Subject: Scripts to build and package pspp on linux.
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2007 21:39:38 +0900

I have places some scripts to build pspp up at:
The theory is that to build pspp on windows you only
need to unpack sh_files.tar, edit cross.env to set the "UNPACKROOT" to
something sensible  run "".
In practice pspp might not build. The hacks I'm using to get pspp to
compile are available at:
Many of those hacks are no longer required, and some may do more harm than good.

Since we are currently testing pspp and not psppire, the above script
does not attempt to build the gui.

If you build psppire, you can package it by entering:

Ultimately I intend for to generate a proper
windows setup.exe, using either NSIS or Inno Setup.

John C. McCabe-Dansted
PhD Student
University of Western Australia

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