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Re: Problem with frequencies

From: michel
Subject: Re: Problem with frequencies
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 01:39:03 -0300
User-agent: RoundCube Webmail/0.2

> Some of the code in FREQUENCIES in the output display code has
> changed recently, so what version of PSPP is this?  You can give
> the Git commit number or, failing that, the name of the branch
> and the date on which you last updated from it.

It's the master branch from 20090413.

> Does PES_PNAD2007.sav have a weighting variable?  If so, what is
> its format?

What is an "weighting variable"?

If before the frequency I run an "SAMPLE .1", some values appears
and if I do a "SAMPLE .01" almost everyone appears correctly.

Seems like the ones who doesn't appears always are represented as five
asterisks. Maybe if
the output have more then 5 digits we get this problem. Look at this
output, with only 10% of the cases.
The only ones who appears are the smallest values. 

|Rond#nia       |      11|    *****|     ,89|     ,89|     ,89|
|Acre           |      12|    65635|     ,34|     ,34|    1,23|
|Amazonas       |      13|    *****|    1,86|    1,86|    3,09|
|Roraima        |      14|    39722|     ,21|     ,21|    3,30|
|Par#           |      15|    *****|    3,84|    3,84|    7,13|
|Amap#          |      16|    66810|     ,35|     ,35|    7,48|
|Tocantins      |      17|    *****|     ,72|     ,72|    8,21|
|Maranh#o       |      21|    *****|    3,36|    3,36|   11,56|
|Piau#          |      22|    *****|    1,59|    1,59|   13,15|
|Cear#          |      23|    *****|    4,47|    4,47|   17,62|
|Rio Grande do  |      24|    *****|    1,59|    1,59|   19,22|
|Para#ba        |      25|    *****|    1,91|    1,91|   21,13|
|Pernambuco     |      26|    *****|    4,62|    4,62|   25,75|
|Alagoas        |      27|    *****|    1,53|    1,53|   27,28|
|Sergipe        |      28|    *****|    1,06|    1,06|   28,34|
|Bahia          |      29|    *****|    7,46|    7,46|   35,80|
|Minas Gerais   |      31|    *****|   10,29|   10,29|   46,09|
|Esp#rito Santo |      32|    *****|    1,97|    1,97|   48,06|
|Rio de Janeiro |      33|    *****|    8,37|    8,37|   56,43|
|S#o Paulo      |      35|    *****|   22,00|   22,00|   78,43|
|Paran#         |      41|    *****|    5,46|    5,46|   83,89|
|Santa Catarina |      42|    *****|    3,05|    3,05|   86,93|
|Rio Grande do  |      43|    *****|    5,92|    5,92|   92,85|
|Mato Grosso do |      50|    *****|    1,15|    1,15|   94,00|
|Mato Grosso    |      51|    *****|    1,54|    1,54|   95,55|
|Goi#s          |      52|    *****|    3,18|    3,18|   98,73|
|Distrito       |      53|    *****|    1,27|    1,27|  100,00|

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