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Re: Sheet replacement discussions

From: Friedrich Beckmann
Subject: Re: Sheet replacement discussions
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 2016 22:48:56 +0100

Hi John,

thanks for summarizing our discussion. It was really nice! Some thoughts to your
summary below...

Am 07.01.2016 um 19:17 schrieb John Darrington <address@hidden>:

We don't see eye to eye on a few issues:

I am of the opinion that the  most elegant way to construct the sheet
is to have a separate sub-object representing the geometry of the
rows and columns (what I have called the "axes" in my implementation).
These objects contain the buttons for the row/column headers and determine
the position and size of the respective rows/columns.  One advantage of
this approach is that it makes the "split window" feature easier - we
have a 1:many relationship between the axis and body.  If the geometry changes,
then I think it better for the axis to broadcast the changes to the sheet
body, rather than for each sheet forcing its changes on the axis.  I think Fritz
prefers the latter approach.

I remember that we both came to the same conclusion that the column width should
be derived from the rendering result of the column header width as default width plus 
manual changes via mouse. Those manual adjustments should be possible per
column. The row height should be derived fix for all rows from the rendering result of 
the row header height. We do not assume that the cell rendering should have an influence
on the column width and row height. 

Displacement from adjustment, column/row number from adjustment and 
column width must of course be 100% aligned between the header axis and body.
So we both think that this should be computed once. You compute this in the axes and
the body asks for the results. Then you align the axes and the body widgets via 
GtkGrid such that the rendering is also visually aligned.

I have not done the headers yet and my first idea was to render them in the GtkLayout
right away. So in my view the difference is more related to the question if the rendering
happens in several widgets which are strongly coupled or in one widget.

You mentioned it yesterday that reducing the size of a widget below its „minimal“ size
is not easy. I looked a little bit into this yesterday and I didn’t find a simple method either.
So it seems that this requires some clipping window? Therefore I thought it might
be a way to render the headers also via cell_renderer where the clipping is already
included. I had a glance at the GtkTreeView way and I think they use GdkWindows to clip
the buttons. 

Fritz suggested that we standardize on the GtkTreeModel as the model for our
sheet.  That sounds attractive except for one big problem:  The GtkTreeModel
cannot perform random access into its rows - it can only access them sequentially
via a GtkTreeIter.

I think this is a misunderstanding. Assume you want to access row 5, column 15. 
See the code below summarized from 

GtkTreeIter iter;
guint row = 5;
guint col = 15;

/* This translates an integer row number into an iter */
gtk_tree_model_iter_nth_child (tree_view->model, &iter, NULL, row);
/* This does the data access to row 5 column 15 */
gtk_tree_model_get_value (tree_view->model, &iter, col, &val);

This is a random access giving the value for row 5 and column 15 from the model, no?
Maybe you assume that gtk_tree_model_iter_nth_child will traverse the model, but that
is not the case. See:

Finally I don't think it appropriate that the text displayed in the row/column
headers should be part of the data model - at least they should not be part of the
*same* data model which contains the contents of the cells.  The column titles
are metadata - not "real" data and the two should not be treated identically.

Yes, there are good arguments for that. On the other hand we a have a strong linkage
between column headers and the data in the column. If there is that strong linkage, then it might be safer
to have the strict relation also in the data model. For example it should not be possible
by design to have a different number of columns when you ask the body data model and the
column header model. If a variable is removed, then the data and the header is removed because
the belong together, right? Maybe it is easier to think of different interfaces to one data model.
Then the data model would have a GtkTreeModel interface for the body data and a ColumnHeader Interface
for the column header data.  



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