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Re: [RP] Ratpoison makes xterm segfault

From: Gergely Nagy
Subject: Re: [RP] Ratpoison makes xterm segfault
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 18:04:55 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.12i

Thus spoke Jonathan Walther <address@hidden> on 2001-02-13 16:07:12:
> QTDIR=/usr/lib/qt-2.1.0

This is Evil. :>

> LANG=en_US

Hmm... I heard about some Xlib - GLibc locale conflict...
Could you try it with LANG=C ? Very unlikely that that would
cause this, but let's hope...


I couldn't figure out anything from the strace/gdb output :(.
Could you please send me your xterm binary ? Or better, if we
could meet on IRC somewhere, that would be the best...

In the mean time, if you have plenty of time & you have the
resources, you could try compiling an xterm with debugging
symbols (CFLAGS=-ggdb3 or something like that should do the
trick), and retry with gdb...

Furthermore, something like this (in gdb) could help a little:
> break main
> run
[if it segfaults, before main, I have no idea...]
[if it does not, then there's still hope :]
> next
[repeat until it segfaults...]

Now try a show [whatever variable was given to the function that
segfaulted] & things like that.

 Gergely Nagy \ mhp/|8]
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..................... Powered by bread 'n water .....................

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