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Re: [RP] ratpoisonrc-mode.el

From: Jay Belanger
Subject: Re: [RP] ratpoisonrc-mode.el
Date: Fri Sep 7 09:01:02 2001
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.0.105

Oops, I meant to send this to ratpoison-devel, I accidently just sent
it to Shawn.  Here it is:
shawn <address@hidden> writes:

> >An emacs mode for ratpoison, thanks Gergely!
> >Any plans to be able to send commands to ratpoison from the emacs
> >buffer?  I've written a few lines of elisp that would do that, if
> >you're interested (although I'm sure you could do it better).
> something like...
> (defvar ratpoison-program "ratpoison")
> (defun ratpoison-command (command)
>   (interactive "sRP Command: ")
>   (shell-command (concat ratpoison-program " -c \"" command "\"")))
> (defun ratpoison-command-on-region (start end)
>   (interactive "r")
>   (mapcar 'ratpoison-command
>         (split-string (buffer-substring start end) "\n")))

Yes.  I can see how something like ratpoison-command-on-region could
be useful, and if there's going to be a ratpoison-mode, why not have
something like this in it?  (This left me with a "*Shell Command
Output*" buffer, using `call-process' instead of `shell-command' won't
give that.)
Also, keystrokes that call up the ratpoison.info file would be useful,
in my opinion.


P.S.  Also, having ratpoison-command prompt for a command seems to
duplicate C-t :, I don't quite see the point.

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