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[RP] Bug report

From: Mike Meyer
Subject: [RP] Bug report
Date: Thu Oct 18 13:48:14 2001

I was fooling with Doug's window menu shell script, and kept locking
rp up with the "Bad Window Parameter" message flashing at me. I
updated this morning to make sure I had fresh code, and yup it's in
that code.

With just one frame, it works, modulo the bug in the script. With a
horizontal split, it does the same. With a vertical split, it reliably
locks rp up when run from an xterm. I usually have at least one other
window around at the time.



eval "ratmenu -style dreary ` paste -d: <(ratpoison -c windows | tr : \# | sed 
's/"/\\"/g') \
                                         <(ratpoison -c "windows ratpoison -c 
'select %n'") \
        | sed 's/.*/"&"/'`"

Mike Meyer <address@hidden>                     http://www.mired.org/home/mwm/
Q: How do you make the gods laugh?              A: Tell them your plans.

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