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[RP] windowlist script and contrib/

From: Doug Kearns
Subject: [RP] windowlist script and contrib/
Date: Mon Oct 22 07:50:08 2001
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.23i

Hello all,

I'm not sure if anyone here is using this or not, but I've had a request
today for an update for ratmenu 1.5, so here it is.

Once we can dump the values of the def* commands to stdout this should
become even simpler and the second call to rp will become unnecessary.

However, I've been using it for a month and it hasn't failed yet :-)

Whilst it's certainly nothing 'earth shattering', it might be an idea to
add this, or a better version if someone has one, to the contrib

Mike Meyer wrote a python version, this and his ratpoison-get-a script
(see Subject: Meta/Generate and misc things) should be added.

There's also a couple of scripts Gergely wrote, to implement the
hardcopy* commands (see Subject: Ideas about some screen commands) which
are useful.

Not everyone reads the list, although they should, and contrib/ is
looking a tad empty ;-)


Attachment: windowlist
Description: Text document

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