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Re: [RP] Ratpoison Xinerama patch #4

From: Shawn Betts
Subject: Re: [RP] Ratpoison Xinerama patch #4
Date: Tue Jan 13 00:50:02 2004
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3

Cameron Patrick <address@hidden> writes:

> On Fri, Nov 28, 2003 at 07:37:45PM -0800, Shawn Betts wrote:
> | Thanks for the patches.
> No worries.
> | I would also like to see some Xinerama support, since it seems
> | multi-monitors is becoming more popular and Xinerama seems to be what
> | people are running.
> That's 'cos it's better :-)
> | I'll have a look at your patch (hopefully this weekend) if it seems
> | good I *may* put it in CVS :). I'll have to setup Xinerama first :).
> *ping*  A few weekends have passed since you posted that.

Yeah, about that...well stuff went by. I got xinerama setup and then
my CPU fan died and it took me 3 weeks to get a new one :). So after
installing my fan, one of my video cards died. So now I don't have
xinerama anymore. But I think I can get my hands on a free [crappy]
SIS AGP card, so once I get that, I'll have another go at that patch.

> And in other news, I have a fourth version of my Xinerama patch.  This
> one is a fairly minor bug-fix over the last, and probably the last from
> me for quite a while.  I think it's CVS-worthy by now, but then again, I
> may be a touch biassed ;-)

Well, I'll have super for sure look at it now :).


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