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[RP] ratmenu updated with nifty features; in Debian now!

From: Jonathan Walther
Subject: [RP] ratmenu updated with nifty features; in Debian now!
Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2005 09:12:49 -0800
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.6+20040907i

ratmenu has folded in some improvements from the "ratmen" fork, and made
a few of its own.

* redrawing of standard (dreary) menu is now optimized (way faster)

* Themes! you can set fonts, colors, and default menu style using
 Xresources.  A sample resource file comes in the tarball.

* Menu taller than screen issues now totally cleared up; selected item
 never goes out of sight.

* New option lets you set item number to be the first selected on

* Manpage is updated.

To download the source, go here:


Test it, stomp on it, let me know how it works for you.



It's not true unless it makes you laugh, but you don't understand it until it makes you weep.

Eukleia: Jonathan Walther
Address: 12706 99 Ave, Surrey, BC V3V2P8 (Canada)
Contact: 604-684-1319 (daytime)
Contact: 604-582-9308 (morning and evening)
Puritan: Purity of faith, Purity of doctrine. Sola Scriptura!

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