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Re: [RP] resizepct

From: Mike O'Connor
Subject: Re: [RP] resizepct
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 10:33:54 -0400 (EDT)

> On Wed, Apr 13, 2005 at 10:19:35AM -0400, Mike O'Connor wrote:
> > I created a resizepct command which will resize a frame either
> > horizontally, vertically, or both by a percentage of the available
> > space.  My motivation was that I think it takes too long to resize
> > frames interactively with the current resize command.
> Is there a reason for why not using external scripts for this?
> You could query the screen size once and precalculate the values for the
> arguments to :resize when starting ratpoison easy enough without having
> it taking to much time is suspect?
> --
> /Martin

Actually, upon thinging about this further, I realized that my method is 
doing something slightly different than your proposal.  Mine is assigning 
keys to resize a frame to the amount of space available to that frame 
using the already built in get_max_size function, which is possibly different
then then screen size.  (if you have a complex frame layout).  

Having said that, and having played with it in such complex frame layouts, I 
realize, I might have some bugs to work out.


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