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Re: [RP] Swap behavior request and thanks for the RPWS changes.

From: tomm smith
Subject: Re: [RP] Swap behavior request and thanks for the RPWS changes.
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 17:57:15 -0500

I decided to whip together a simple POC wrapper for this swap issue,
it is not beautiful but is very functional and should fill your desire
until RP source is updated.

I have attached the bash script to this email, please let me know any
issues you may find, I have not found any thus far but havent really
pushed it.

To use it you could just unbind the normal key command for "swap" then
bind the same key command to that script and your golden.

On 3/9/10, tomm smith <address@hidden> wrote:
> I had a quick thought on a shell wrapper script for swap to do exactly
> what you stated above, but would be a nice feature. If I write the
> wrapper I will share it.
> Thanks, glad it helps. I am writing the ability for rpws to move
> windows to other workspaces currently, working but with exceptions. I
> think gmove might have a bug, havent completely decided yet will
> address that later.
> On 3/9/10, address@hidden <address@hidden> wrote:
>> Hello, all,
>>   Tiny feature request: When there are only two frame visible, C-t x
>> ought to just swap them no questions asked.  What else could the user
>> mean?
>>   Tomm Smith: the RPWS changes will be of use to at least me once it
>> finally makes its way downstream into the standard repositories.  Thank
>> you.
>>  Sincerely yours,
>>    John B.
>> --
>> He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a
>> man. -Dr. Johnson
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Attachment: swap_wrapper.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

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