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Re: [RP] ratpoison not working on macosx after os update

From: Shawn Betts
Subject: Re: [RP] ratpoison not working on macosx after os update
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2010 17:39:48 -0700

2010/4/15 Greg Minshall <address@hidden>:
> hi.  i am running macosx 10.6.3 and ran "software update" after which
> ratpoison doesn't really work.  during initialization, i get lots of
> messages like:
> ----
> Can't open display
> xtoolwait: unable to open display (/tmp/launch-vIg4BK/org.macosforge.0),
> NOT executing xterm
> ----
> (notable is that the actual DISPLAY variable value is
> ----
> /tmp/launch-vIg4BK/org.macosforge.xquartz:0
> ----
> whereas the error message doesn't have the ".xquartz" part of the
> string.)

There was a bug in the display string parsing that your DISPLAY made
pretty obvious. I've uploaded a patch to the git repo that should fix
this. Can you give it a try?

I don't know why your key bindings don't work. If, after running the
above change, they still don't work as expected then let me know and
send your ratpoison rc file. I'm assuming the default keybindings


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