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Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] [ #365733] Helping Improve Savannah

From: Andrew
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] [ #365733] Helping Improve Savannah Volunteer
Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2008 18:14:55 -0500

On 6/29/08, Bob Proulx <address@hidden> wrote:
> Karl Berry wrote:
>  >     Right now once spam is posted it can never be removed.  It can only
>  >     be collapsed into a small font tag if five people vote that it is
>  >     spam.
>  >
> > BTW, isn't that an awfully high barrier?  I don't know of any other
>  > system that requires more than one admin to look at it and say it's
>  > junk.  I can understand how one random savannah user shouldn't be able
>  > to declare any random post is spam, but if the user is a project or
>  > savannah admin, how about taking their word as gospel?
>  I think that if you are voting on a spam in a project for which you
>  are listed as admin then you get five votes.  So for your own projects
>  you can vote it to be spam yourself.  But for other projects where you
>  are not listed as an admin then you only get one vote.  But even for
>  your own projects the spam isn't really removed.
>  What I would like to see is something like what the Debian folks have
>  which is to flag a bug as having spam in it and have a moderator team
>  work through those and do the cleanup.  That seems to work fairly
>  well.

Shoot, I just thought up something similar in my last post, only to
see this. Well, at least we're of a like mind!

>  > Anyway, Andrew, as you can see, lots for you to contemplate :).
>  Yes.  Definitely a lot to think about! :-)

Hold on whilst I don my thinking cap. ;-)

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