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[Savannah-hackers] Re: I can't access /software/automake

From: loic
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] Re: I can't access /software/automake
Date: Wed, 23 May 2001 17:31:22 +0200

Paul Visscher writes:
 > Bradley M. Kuhn address@hidden said:
 > > I can't access /software/automake:
 > > 
 > > cvs server: failed to create lock directory in repository
 > > `/webcvs/software/automake': Permission denied cvs server: failed to
 > > obtain dir lock in repository `/webcvs/software/automake' cvs [server
 > > aborted]: read lock failed - giving up
 > > 
 > > 
 > > Can you add me as a maintainer to the webmaster project on savannah, so I
 > > can get access to these sorts of things.  I need to be able to commit all
 > > across
 > You are a maintainer of the www project on savannah; you should be able
 > to check anything in.
 > > Anyway, can you get to that directory?
 > No, I can not. I've gotten that error message for the past few days but
 > haven't had time to investigate further. Checking the permissions on
 > that directory, I don't see what the problem is. I'm CCing
 > savannah-hackers on this message.

        I did a mistake (I remove myself as a maintainer of automake). Nobody
is a developer of the automake project because it's just a mirror (the
CVS source part is a mirror). I added myself as a developer because Savannah
does not like projects who have no developers. Three days ago I removed 
myself because I forgot the reason I was a developer of automake. 

        My mistake was to add myself as a developer of automake to fix
this problem instead of either adding the admin user or a fake user 
created for this purpose only. Alternatively you could say my mistake was
to not fix the fact that a project can have 0 developers.

        If fixed the problem and I apologize for the inconvenience.


Loic   Dachary  address@hidden
24 av Secretan      address@hidden
75019    Paris         Tel: 33 1 42 45 09 16        address@hidden
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