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[Savannah-hackers] news about filelist

From: Mathieu Roy
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] news about filelist
Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 01:13:24 +0200

as written in the news " Working on setting a File Release System on savannah without changing the secured way files are uploaded on the download area, a Filelist is now available.

Basically, if you want to use this ( that looks like, for example, ), you just have to put your new files following a simple tree structure explained in the File Manager Admin and to specify if you want to use it in your project Public Info.

Here (in the File Manager Admin), you will get an explanation, description of the tree, and a simple form that could be used to get a bunch of command lines that will upload your files (following the required tree structure) once you paste it in a terminal.

The next step is to permit you to give informations about your lastest releases that will be showned on the savannah front page (as the Newest Package informations) and will highlight the concerned packages in your Filelist..."

As said, the next step is working on the release system. I think that some part of the original SF could be adapted to do this. The actual system for the files dont deals with the original SF one since it's a system very simple that works only with files, not database (there's only one entry to see if projects use this feature - I've send recently the database alter for this). I think we only should add a form in the files/admin page that will permit projects admins to specified the last version they have published : this will be showned in the SV front page and the designed version will be highlighted in the filelist.

The actual filelist can probably be enhanced, dont hesitate to do so.

Best regards,

Mathieu Roy

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