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[Savannah-hackers] Problem with Apple Project Builder and your CVS

From: Mathieu Godart
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] Problem with Apple Project Builder and your CVS
Date: Sun, 9 Feb 2003 00:19:23 +0100


I'm a Mac OS X user. I'm currently trying to use CVS with my project (tupper) and my development application : Apple Project Builder. This application is supposed to support CVS easily.

I've no problem to update or get the status of my files — when I do this:

cvs status TSCreature.h TSPermanent.cpp TSBeing.h TSColor.cpp TSComObj.h main.cpp TSBeing.cpp TSBar.cpp TSEngine.1 TSComObj.cpp TSPermanent.h TSBar.h TSCreature.cpp TSAction.h TSPlayer.h TSPlayer.cpp TSColor.h

I get all the satus write.
My ~/.ssh/config contains this:

     Protocol 1

And my /etc/ssh_config contains this:

Host *
#   ForwardAgent no
#   ForwardX11 no
#   RhostsAuthentication no
#   RhostsRSAAuthentication no
#   RSAAuthentication yes
#   PasswordAuthentication yes
#   BatchMode no
#   CheckHostIP yes
#   StrictHostKeyChecking ask
#   IdentityFile ~/.ssh/identity
#   IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
#   IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_dsa
#   Port 22
   Protocol 1,2
#   Cipher 3des
# Ciphers aes128-cbc,3des-cbc,blowfish-cbc,cast128-cbc,arcfour,aes192-cbc,aes2

My .cshrc contains this:

setenv CVS_RSH ssh
setenv CVSROOT address@hidden:/cvsroot/tupper

and this:

set exec_file=~/.ssh/agent_exec
ssh-agent > $exec_file
chmod +x $exec_file
source $exec_file

So, when I launch my Terminal, it asks me my pass-phrase. Then, all works, I can add and commit files without any problem.

But on Project Builder, the status check goes wrong. This is what i got on the console:

2003-02-08 23:58:25.550 Project Builder[1774] Operation encountered fatal error, which should already have been reported: cvs status mathieu.pbxuser project.pbxproj state : PBXSCMAbortedState Feb 8 23:58:42 Squonk WindowServer[192]: CGXDisableUpdate: Updates disabled by connection 0x5307 for over 1.000000 seconds

Feb  8 23:58:50 Squonk last message repeated 2 times

2003-02-09 00:03:32.294 Project Builder[1774] Operation encountered fatal error, which should already have been reported: cvs status TSCreature.h TSPermanent.cpp TSBeing.h TSColor.cpp TSComObj.h main.cpp TSBeing.cpp TSBar.cpp TSEngine.1 TSComObj.cpp TSPermanent.h TSBar.h TSCreature.cpp TSAction.h TSPlayer.h TSPlayer.cpp TSColor.h state : PBXSCMAbortedState

My user name on Savannah is mathbat, and my project name is tupper.

Thanks if you can help me,
Mathieu Godart

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