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[Savannah-hackers] submission of Cofi: A Java-Based Collaborative Filter

From: lemire
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] submission of Cofi: A Java-Based Collaborative Filtering Library -
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 12:31:21 -0500
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Daniel Lemire <address@hidden> a décrit le projet comme suit :
Licence: gpl
Autre Licence: 
Paquet: Cofi: A Java-Based Collaborative Filtering Library
Nom système: cofi
Type: non-GNU

Cofi: A Java-Based Collaborative Filtering Filtering Library


Collaborative filtering is the process of predicting ratings based on a 
database of ratings from various users. It is widely applicable to e-Commerce, 
e-Learning, and so on.

Currently, programmers who want to use collaborative filtering have to read the 
literature and implement their own algorithms. More often than not, programmers 
probably design their own algorithms and they will generally produce suboptimal 
algorithms. We want to build a foundation of already tested algorithms and 
documented that can be used in a wide range of contexts from research to 

The guiding principle is that the design should be thin. Cofi doesn't want to 
be all things for all people. So the focus is on delivering very few lines of 
code, and to rely on the programmer for providing the necessary glue.

There is one open source Java-based collaborative filtering library available 
called CFEngine written by professor Jon Herlocker. CFEngine is somewhat more 
extensive than Cofi and aims to be the Apache of collaborative filtering. 
CFEngine is probably going to be licensed under a BSD-like license though this 
is not explicit. The design goals are different since CFEngine wants to provide 
a complete solution to collaborative filtering needs which Cofi doesn't. We 
also expect the algorithms to differ.


GPL, of course.

Who are we?

The project is lead by Daniel Lemire, researcher at the National Research 
Council of Canada.

Where's the source?

You can download our Java source package. It requires gnu.trove (LGPL) and 
junit (CPL) libraries. Some code expects JSci (LGPL) though it isn't necessary 
to use the library.


The library is used as part of RACOFI web site which is a live Music 
Recommender site and has been used for research ( COLA and IR). While it isn't 
a mature library, it is certainly quite usable in many real-world applications. 

Dépendances logicielles:
It should run fine under any Java Virtual Machine supporting JDK1.4. Being a 
non-graphical application, it's requirements are minimal.

It requires gnu.trove (LGPL) and junit (CPL) libraries. Some code expects JSci 
(LGPL) though it isn't necessary to use the library.

It could be that junit and jsci use Swing, but I only work with the CLI so lack 
of support for Swing should not be a problem. Beside, I really hate Swing. 

I must stress again that this is a non-graphical project, so there should be no 

Autres Commentaires:
I think this would be the first and only Java-Based collaborative filtering 
library to be GPL.

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