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[Savannah-hackers] submission of KsirK -

From: kleag
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] submission of KsirK -
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 2004 16:22:57 -0400
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Gaël de Chalendar <address@hidden> a décrit le projet comme suit :
Licence: other
Autre Licence: CeCILL
Licence libre compatible GPL mais compatible aussi avec le droit français, 
développée conjointement par le CEA, l'INRIA et le CNRS 

Notez qu'actuellement mon code est sous GPL mais je pense le passer sous CeCILL 
à l'avenir
Paquet: KsirK
Nom système: ksirk
Type: non-GNU

Note: Web pages were in French, so I wrote my comments in French. If that's not 
OK, please say me...

KsirK est un jeu de stratégie. Il était autrefois hébergé par l'hébergeur 
associatif tuxfamily qui est en restructuration depuis au moins un an.

Mon code en cours de changement par rapport à l'état dans lequel il était sur 

Ci-dessous, le descriptif de la page web d'origine (en anglais):
KsirK is a computerized version of a well known strategy board game: Risk ! 

It is a game for KDE released under the GPL. In the current version, KsirK is a 
usable multi-player mono-machine game with a basic AI. Planned future versions 
will be really network-enabled multi-playered with a better AI and a lot more 
enhancements (see Status for details).

The goal of the game is simply to conquer the World... It is done by attacking 
your neighbors with your armies. 

At the beginning of the game, countries are distributed to all the players. 
Each country contain one army (represented by an infantryman) at this moment. 
Each player has some armies to distribute to his countries. Note that five 
armies are represented by a cavalryman and 10 by a cannon. 

On each turn, each player can attack his neighbours, eventually conquering one 
or more countries. At the end of each turn, some bonus armies are distributed 
to the players in function of the number of countries they own. 

The winner is the player that conquered all the world !!

Dépendances logicielles:
Aucune si ce n'est QT et les bibliothèques KDE que je considère comme faisant 
partie d'un OS minimal

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