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Re: [Savannah-hackers] is savannah down ?

From: Sam Hart
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers] is savannah down ?
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2004 08:31:45 +0100

On 24 Sep 2004, at 18:40, Elfyn McBratney wrote:

Please keep address@hidden in the Cc, so all the admins get the
mail. ;-)


Can you send us the error and your ip address, so we can see if it's
up at our end? :-)
% cvs -z 9  checkout -P -r gcc_3_4_1_release  gcc Operation timed out
cvs [checkout aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages
if any)
as for my ip address, I think it is, but I could be wrong

I also forgot to mention that I had set CVSROOT accordingly

Hmm, it could be the gcc history file taking a long time to process, though address@hidden recently trimmed it down (or even 0'd it) recently. Ok, I've tried from France, Boston, London England and Sweden.. all have good connectivity to the server. I would guess this is a localised ISP issue, and
would suggest bugging your ISP. ;-)

right, I think I have a partial reason for why I couldn't co

I tried it on a few machines running derivatives of the same OS
before it struck me to use a different OS, co no problem, it hadn't occurred to me because I had been able to co from the other machines from another foss repository.

Out of interest the OS I had problems with were all Darwin 7 derivatives, and the one that worked was OpenBSD 3.5. I don't know if this is a cvs related issue.

I will look into it.

If you still can't checkout from the gcc repo, please bug me and I'll escelate
this. :-)

thanks for your help

S a m


Drawing on my fine command of language, I said nothing.

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