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speechd-el features (was: speechd modules)

From: Tim Cross
Subject: speechd-el features (was: speechd modules)
Date: Mon Sep 4 09:59:47 2006

Sounds good. I'll use it for a while - possibly while I try to develop
some other output modules and once I've got use to speechd-el to a
greater extent, I'll make some suggestions. 

Actually, so far, I'm pretty impressed with speechd-el. It seems a bit
less intrusive and I've found a few areas were it works better in that
it doesn't have some minor "bugs" I've run into with emacspeak. What I
really like is the whole speechd concept and the abstraction from the
synthesizer level. I think this offers a lot of potential. 

One area I was thinking about this morning was integrating speechd
support into the sawfish window manager. While I personally would be
quite happy without any window manager, places I work often have no
choice but to use a X session and some speech support for the window
manager would be very nice.


>>>>> "Milan" == Milan Zamazal <address@hidden> writes:

>>>>> "TC" == Tim Cross <address@hidden> writes:
 TC> I'm not interested in making speechd-el a clone of emacpseak,

 Milan> Sure, speechd-el and Emacspeak solve the same problem, but in
 Milan> a very different way; it would make no sense to mutually clone
 Milan> them.

 TC> but there are some features in emacpseak which I think wold be
 TC> valuable additions to speechd-el.

 Milan> Maybe it would be useful to mention the particular features?
 Milan> If they fit into speechd-el, I can create a to-do list for
 Milan> people who would like to contribute to speechd-el.

 Milan> Regards,

 Milan> Milan Zamazal

 Milan> -- This mail contains a hashcash stamp.  See
 Milan> http://www.hashcash.org for more information.

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