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Speech Dispatcher Documentation.

From: Hynek Hanke
Subject: Speech Dispatcher Documentation.
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 12:52:37 +0100

On 11.11.2010 00:55, Chaumont Devin wrote: Is
> I want to know exactly what Speech Dispatcher does, and whether it can
> forward text from Orca to my TTS system.

Speech Dispatcher is simply a layer between the applications that
want to use speech (like Orca) and the TTS systems (like eSpeak).
It exists because it solves some problems that arise if you want to
put these two sides together. It is called Dispatcher because one of
the important task it solves is how to coordinate the various messages
that come from the application. Usually, much more messages come
that can fit in the linear sound output, thus Speech Dispatcher needs
to coordinate and decide which messages are spoken now, which are
spoken later, which are not spoken at all.

> Is there anybody who can tell me how to do this without my becoming a bonobo 
> or Homo erectus javanopithecus
> in order to do it?

First of all, try to be a little more polite, then study the Generic 
output module.
What you want to do is actually quite easy, and you find good example in
e.g. the espeak-generic.conf file.

Best regards,
Hynek Hanke

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