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Speech Dispatcher roadmap discussion.

From: Bohdan R . Rau
Subject: Speech Dispatcher roadmap discussion.
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 13:29:40 +0200

W dniu 2014-10-09 13:50, Bohdan R. Rau napisa?(a):
> In fact, there is task for one
> person for two days (counting morning cafe and visit in pub). If
> needed, I can provide first version of Python extensions during
> weekend.

So I had a litte free time to play wity C/Python interface and I'd like 
to check if I'm right... in fact, there was possible to write probably 
complete interface in 10 hours :)

http://tts.polip.com/files/pyspeechd-0.0.0.tar.gz - you can check it. 
Module requires ffcall library (as callback functions has no information 
about calling connection - it was impossible to make them Connection 
class methods). Works in both Python2 and Python3.

By the way - sme bugs (probably) in libspeechd:

1) spd_get_default_address returns structure containing garbage in 
unused fields. It's of course not a bug, but unused pointers should 
contains NULL.

2) I tested it on 0.7.1 (Ubuntu 12.04), 0.8 and 0.8.1 (Ubuntu 14.04):

I open connection in threaded mode. I provide callback for BEGIN event, 
and I turn on event notification:


Now if I try to play sound icon, and immediately call "say" - function 
"say" will lock (on 0.7.1 every time, on higher version at second or 
third call):

x.say('hello') # will lock


x.say('hello') # will work

What I noticed: as spd_sound_icon does not return message id, callback 
is fired also at begin of sound_icon...

Try simple callback function:

def callback_function(connection,*args):
     print args

You will see the effect...

So important question:

Should functions like spd_sound_icon, spd_char and spd_key also return 
message id? I think it has sense...

3) On 0.7.1 program works properly, on 0.8 and 0.8.1 behaviour is 

I provide callbacks for (in my test) begin, end and index mark

def my_callback(connection,msg,uid,what,mark):
    print msg,what

x.onbegin = my_callback
x.onend = my_callback
x.onindex = my_callback

I turn off notification on begin and turn on notifications for end and 

x.notify_begin = False
x.notify_end = True
x.notify_index = True

I try something like:

print x.say('test')
print x.say('second test')

On 0.8 and 0.8.1 event is sometimes fired also on begin...

would someone confirm or it's only my imagination?

http://milena.polip.com/ - Pa pa, Ivonko!

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