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Speech Dispatcher roadmap discussion.

From: Luke Yelavich
Subject: Speech Dispatcher roadmap discussion.
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 08:41:36 +1100

On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 09:33:39PM AEDT, Bohdan R. Rau wrote:
> I know my suggestions may be a little strange, but you have to take into
> account that I want to change the way of thinking about speech-dispatcher.
> Currently:
> speech-dispatcher is used by visual impaired users, and as speech backend
> for screenreaders.
> My dream:
> Visual impaired users are very important for speech-dispatcher developers,
> but speech-dispatcher should also be used as general purpose speech
> synthesis backend for different applications (like SAPI in Windows).
> Screenreader is example of very important application, but it's not only
> application using speech-dispatcher.

I totally and utterly agree, this is my vision as well. I'm already looking at 
using Speech Dispatcher in the ubuntu phone product for standard TTS services, 
GPS navigation being a key usecase. Qt upstream are also looking to use it as 
the *nix backend for their cross-platform Qt text to speech API.


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