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speechd-el: `C-e q` doesn't toggle speech off

From: Alain Kalker
Subject: speechd-el: `C-e q` doesn't toggle speech off
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 21:21:03 +0200

On 10/20/2014 08:45 PM, Alain Kalker wrote:
> Hi list, Milan,
> First off, thank you for creating this wonderful tool, I like how it is
> much less invasive than Emacspeak :-)
> I'm having a little problem, though, when I type `C-e q` to toggle
> speech off, speechd-el keeps speaking.
> With speech activated by typing `M-x speechd-speak`, when I then type
> `C-e q` to toggle speach off, "Speaking turned on globally" is spoken
> instead, and speech remains active, where I would expect it to be
> toggled off.
> When I type the same key combination again, the same text is spoken and
> speech remains active.

As a crude workaround, I've added the following to my ~/.emacs:

(eval-after-load "speechd-speak"
      ;; Workaround for `C-e q` not toggling speech
      (define-key speechd-speak-mode-map "q" 'speechd-speak-mode)))

This works well for me, but of course I'm hoping for a better fix :-)

> The same goes for using a prefix: `C-u C-e q` speaks the text "Speaking
> turned on locally", and repeating the key combination speaks the same
> text and leaves speech activated.
> I'm running Arch Linux x86_64, speechd-el from Git master, using Emacs
> from its official repository, version 24.3-7. I haven't remapped any of
> speechd-speak's keys or anything, my config in ~/.emacs is simply:
> ;; speechd-el
> (autoload 'speechd-speak "~/vcs/git/speechd-el/speechd-speak" nil t)
> ;; Custom
> (custom-set-variables
> [...]
> '(speechd-out-active-drivers (quote (ssip)))
> [...]
> )
> Kind regards,
> Alain

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