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WIP audio in server

From: Jeremy Whiting
Subject: WIP audio in server
Date: Wed, 5 Aug 2015 17:42:58 -0600

Ok, the audio in the server is in it's own thread now, and mostly all
code is in server/audio.c to keep it separate from the other file
descriptor handling for clients. I'm still getting pauses for some
reason, but it is threaded now at least and works when run with -d
also. I'll try to figure out where the pauses are coming from.


On Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 6:47 PM, Jeremy Whiting <jpwhiting at kde.org> wrote:
> I've spent a bit of time wrestling with this code today and have found
> the following.
> If I don't initialize pulse by calling _pulse_open but only initialize
> once I have data to set the format it works mostly, though there are
> pauses of silence in long phrases from espeak still.
> If I do initialize pulse by calling _pulse_open in pulse_open and also
> reinitializing in pulse_play as required for audio rate changes etc.
> it doesn't play anything somehow (it's getting stuck in pa_simple_free
> on a mutex somehow).
> Do I need to run a thread for every audio socket we attach in the
> server? If so what should the thread's start_routine look like, just
> while(1) and the callback audio_process_incoming is called when we get
> traffic on the fd ? Once this is working (and I clean up how we
> initialize the audio to not hard coded values, but get the config from
> the config file) I can look at making the audio use the pulse async
> api, but I want to get the proof of concept working as a first step.
> My knowledge of pthreads seems to be blocking me at the moment though.
> thanks,
> Jeremy
> On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 7:42 PM, Jeremy Whiting <jpwhiting at kde.org> wrote:
>> Oops, I didn't see this until just now. At any rate I got that issue
>> solved, now only playback failing (I verified I get samples in the
>> server and I think it's initializing the AudioId properly since it's
>> not NULL here. It seems to think it's playing from all the return
>> values, but I hear no audio yet. I also wasn't sure what to do about
>> sending the audio parameters just yet, so hard coded some based on my
>> config here for now.
>> BR,
>> Jeremy
>> On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 6:40 PM, Luke Yelavich
>> <luke.yelavich at canonical.com> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 10:40:04AM AEST, Luke Yelavich wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 07:27:27AM AEST, Jeremy Whiting wrote:
>>>> > Hey all,
>>>> >
>>>> > I'm implementing moving audio from the modules to the server (and
>>>> > modules will send audio data to the server on a unix socket). I've got
>>>> > the socket creation, and seem to have the ability to connect to the
>>>> > socket in the modules but it's hanging here when I try to run spd-say
>>>> > hello. Also I'm getting this in my speech-dispatcher.log as if it's
>>>> > trying to open a second audio connection from sd_espeak for some
>>>> > reason when it hangs (and no log output after this):
>>>> >
>>>> > [Thu Jul 30 15:03:15 2015 : 829380] speechd:     Adding audio
>>>> > connection on socket 4
>>>> > [Thu Jul 30 15:03:29 2015 : 105629] speechd:    Adding module on fd 28
>>>> > [Thu Jul 30 15:03:29 2015 : 105654] speechd:     Adding audio
>>>> > connection on socket 4
>>>> >
>>>> > I'm probably doing something obviously wrong, but can't seem to see
>>>> > what at the moment though I've been beating my head against it for a
>>>> > while and debugging. Can you see anything obvious in my changes?
>>>> Well, I wonder if what you have in speechd_audio_connection_new is 
>>>> correct. You make reference to module sockets and the server socket where 
>>>> clients connect, and not the audio socket.
>>> Helps if I attach the diff.
>>> Luke
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