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Re: [Swftools-common] (OT) changing fps in videos

From: Pablo Rodríguez
Subject: Re: [Swftools-common] (OT) changing fps in videos
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2010 18:27:30 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100907 Fedora/3.1.3-1.fc13 Thunderbird/3.1.3

On 09/14/2010 10:56 AM, Chris wrote:

I had no trouble is slowing the video down.  Even having
two separate videos at different frame rates. However, as
you might guess, as soon as the frame rate is meddled with
it screws up the embedded audio, as in you get mostly silence.

I then extracting the mp3, re-encoded it as an swf changing the
frame rate, then attempted to sync it with the original video.
That sort of works, but it is quite tricky to get not spot on.

I can post the scraps of swfc code I came up with, but, I'm not
exactly sure where that leaves us.

Could you redefine your problem?  Why exactly did you wish to
have two videos at different frame rates.  Is this with or without


many thanks for your help and sorry for not having answered before.

I was wrong assuming that to embed different videos (video files converted into SWF) I should set them to the lowest fps rate. It seems to be the highest one, otherwise videos with decreased frame rates will be played too slow.

In the meantime, I discovered a way to set a different frame rate in a video file, that seems to work, such as “ffmpeg -i saturn5.avi -r 50 saturn.swf“.

My problem is the following. I recreated this presentation: http://www.ousia.tk/freeculture.php and I would like to be able to generate presentations like http://lessig.blip.tv/file/3730123/. I tend to think that my method is better (thanks to all people involved in SWFTools :-)), but it has a major shortcoming: it is not possible to embed videos in the final presentation (I'm consciously avoiding external playing).

Setting the same frame rate for the SWF containers and all child elements seems to solve the problem. I haven't checked it, but I guess it should work (sound too).

But there is something I simply don't get. It is possible to generate PDF files that contain a SWF video player, such as http://flv-player.net/, that plays the embedded video in whichever format it might be (http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/flashmovie/). And in this case there is no problem with different frame rates in embedded videos. Why is this not possible within SWF files?

Thanks for your help,


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