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Re: [Synaptic-devel] Icon legend

From: Michael Vogt
Subject: Re: [Synaptic-devel] Icon legend
Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2003 14:38:22 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i

Hi Sebastian, 

On Sun, Dec 28, 2003 at 10:26:02AM +0100, Sebastian Heinlein wrote:
> Here is a mockup of the new legend dialog which should be located in the
> help menu.

I like this mockup and the idea of providing a friendly (and quick)
way to explain the icons to the user. 

I'm on vacation right now with only limited internet access. I follow
my mail but I propably won't start coding before 5.1.2004.  But then,
your new icons and the comments that Jean-Michel send (about the
incorrect use of pluarl forms in synaptic) are top priority. 

I also want to integrate the new apt changes that provides checking of
the signature of the downloaded packages. This is a very importend
feature for debian as it allows us to only download securely
authenticated packages. I don't know yet how much work is involved
here and if those changes are going to make it into synaptic 0.48.
(apt-rpm has this for some time already and I don't know yet if the
new debian implementation is compatible).

You also wrote about chaning the find field into something that
dynamically filters out stuff that does not match the pattern in the
search field. That is if you type "sy" in the field, all packages that
starts with "sy" will be displayed (honoring the current global filter
like "upgradable").
[I hope this was want you had in mind :)]

This may take a bit longer as we need gtk 2.4 to implement it. Gtk2.4
will also improve the performance of our pkgtree.

bye and I hope you all had a nice christmas,

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