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Re: building the parser as a perl module and in texinfo

From: Karl Berry
Subject: Re: building the parser as a perl module and in texinfo
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2011 23:13:46 GMT

    the optimal situation would be to be able to build it both

Optimal, yes.  But ...

    As a standalone module

This seems like a major independent undertaking, for all the reasons you

I expect it will come as no surprise to you that I'd like to focus on
making a texinfo release, not a CPAN release.  The former seems critical
to me, the latter, just "would be nice".

    For instance, the installation
    paths do not follow the GNU conventions

Even at the top level?  If someone calls configure && make install at
the top of texinfo (not tp), all the files must end up under
$gnu/share/texinfo.  (We can talk about exactly where.)

This probably means doing automake stuff inside tp, independent of
Makefile.PL stuff.  I doubt there is any feasible way around that.

    in GNU directories should also mean adding the paths somewhere
    in texi2any.pl to ensure that the modules are found.  


    Also make distcheck is not an available target and I am not sure
    that make distdir and so on and so forth are available either.

Those targets only need to be supported by the top-level Makefile,
not tp, so that's not an issue.


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